
The Biology of Optimal Human Experience

Session Title

The Biology of Optimal Human Experience


Ben Sykes,

Session Type: Presentation

We’ll examine the biology of the human experience, the triggers employed to create an optimal experience as it relates to interface design, marketing, and retail spaces, and how to integrate these common factors into ones product to impact positive emotional association, memory, and thus increase conversions. We’ll discuss neurodesign & neuromarketing and how all human commonalities (Don Brown) can be canvased when designing.


Ben Sykes – Founder of interActoid and Human Experience evangelist

Ben Sykes is a dev/design hybrid with 14 years experience designing / dev’ing positive human experiences for rich internet applications, desktop / soft clients and web sites.

He has worked as a user experience designer for Microsoft (Visual Studio, MSN Live), User Experience Design Manager for Cisco Systems, Ireland (WebEx, Enterprise IM), Associate Creative Director for American Idol Underground, even created the search engine

His career started around designing edible experiences for the plate, coupled with the desire to tell stories. He worked as a chef to subsidize his work on motion pictures (“American Beauty”, “Murder in the First”, and others).

His culinary experiences ultimately helped shape his ability to serve users needs, create positive experiences, and design around story and biological neural processes.


  1. Joyce Flowers
    Posted September 16, 2009 at 12:05 pm

    This sounds exactly like the kind of presentation I’ve been looking for. Excited.

  2. Posted September 22, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    Sounds like a great presentation ahead.