Got a burning question that you think the interaction design community should be asking itself? Let’s sit down and discuss it. You are the discussion facilitator.
Want to show off something cool? Success or failure from a project? New technology? Prototyping technique? Launching something? Share it with your community.
Want to do more of a traditional talk? We love those too.
People whose session submissions are accepted receive a complimentary registration to the conference.
How This Will Work:
Submissions are now closed. You can publicly review and comment on the submitted proposals until October 1, 11:59pm EDT. Selections will then be curated by the conference committee, and we aim to announce the program by October 15. Our goal is a variety of session types, a variety of new and experienced interaction designers, and a variety of international voices. Each slot will be 40 minutes long — use it however you like! Accepted session speakers will receive a complimentary conference registration.
Submissions are now closed. You can publicly review and comment on the submitted proposals until October 1, 11:59pm EDT.
View and comment on the submitted proposals.
Got a great idea for a conference session? Let us know! To shake up the afternoons and get us interacting, we are seeking four types of sessions:
Got a burning question that you think the interaction design community should be asking itself? Let’s sit down and discuss it. You are the discussion facilitator.
Let’s try out something together. Field trip? Interview play acting? A new prototyping technique? Propose something that we DO.
Want to show off something cool? Success or failure from a project? New technology? Prototyping technique? Launching something? Share it with your community.
Want to do more of a traditional talk? We love those too.
People whose session submissions are accepted receive a complimentary registration to the conference.
How This Will Work:
Submissions are now closed. You can publicly review and comment on the submitted proposals until October 1, 11:59pm EDT. Selections will then be curated by the conference committee, and we aim to announce the program by October 15. Our goal is a variety of session types, a variety of new and experienced interaction designers, and a variety of international voices. Each slot will be 40 minutes long — use it however you like! Accepted session speakers will receive a complimentary conference registration.